Julie Smith has been an educator for over 30 years. She left traditional classroom teaching and started Flourish Educational Services after realizing that there are numerous children and families who need additional coaching, strategies, and advocacy. She specializes in helping children be successful in their educational setting as well as helping homeschooling families determine curriculum and structure to meet their needs. She believes in working with parents and children to find integrated, whole-child strategies to support children. Working with Yes Arts allows her to follow her passion for working with children while engaging in activities where children are supported and encouraged to be who they are.

She and her husband moved to Frankfort, Kentucky from Northern California in December 2021 after falling in love with The Bluegrass State. She has three adult daughters (two of which now live in Frankfort) and two dogs. She loves gardening, arts and crafts, exploring and learning about Kentucky, and traveling in her free time. Feel free to provide recommendations for places to go and see in the area!